
Optimising your website for AI-powered search

  • Blog
  • 13 February
  • 4 mins
  • Tabby Duff

AI Search: Revolutionising Web Development and Content Optimisation

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in search technologies, most notably with Microsoft’s integration of OpenAI in Bing and Google’s Project Magi, marks a significant leap forward in how we approach web development and content optimisation. 

This new era of AI search is defined by its sophisticated understanding of natural, human language, user intent, and contextual nuances, heralding essential changes in the digital landscape. According to Accenture, 39% of internet users aged 18 – 34 are more excited about conversational answers from AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT than standard internet searches – the way we search is entering a new generation. Therefore, businesses need to explore new methods of reaching their target audience, as the days of relying solely on search engine traffic are no more. 

AI search transcends the capabilities of traditional search engines by leveraging advanced algorithms and Machine Learning (a subfield of AI which focuses on using data and algorithms to imitate the way humans learn) to interpret and respond to user queries in a more human-like manner. This evolution isn’t just about delivering more accurate results; it’s about understanding the intent and context behind each query, providing responses that are both relevant and intuitively aligned with the user’s needs.  

With AI search engines becoming increasingly adept at understanding and predicting user intent, the focus for web developers shifts significantly. Websites need to be optimised not just for keywords, but for relevance and contextuality in relation to natural language queries. This shift necessitates a deeper understanding of how AI interprets and processes web content, urging a more user-focused approach to web design.  

So, how can you make your website AI search-friendly? 

To optimise your website for AI search, we recommend the following strategies:  

Create Conversational Content 

Focus on creating content that resonates with natural language queries, emphasising conversational and context-rich writing to address questions your audience commonly asks.  

It’s important to use natural language, for example, simple questions like “How much can chartered accountants earn in London?”, rather than overly technical terms or jargon, to ensure your content is easily understandable by AI.  

Structured Data and Metadata 

Utilise structured data to help AI search engines understand and categorise your content effectively, enhancing visibility and relevance. Structured data can be added to the head of a page via HTML to essentially allow search engines to read your content more easily, and provide users will more detailed search results. 

Implementing structured data can also empower your organisation’s website to appear as a rich snippet in search results. 

User-Focused Information 

SEO has previously focused on the importance of keyword optimisation. When it comes to AI-powered search, it’s better to focus on producing quality content that is comprehensive and concentrates on the user’s direct goals, since keywords alone don’t offer the context AI needs to generate a coherent answer to search queries.  

Enhance Page Speed 

A slow-loading website leads to higher bounce rates, which can adversely affect your search engine ranking. Optimise your website by minimising image sizes, refining your code, and implementing caching techniques to ensure optimal page speed and a seamless user experience. 

Ready to get ahead of the curve? 

The journey with AI search is just beginning, and those who adapt swiftly and strategically will lead the way in this exciting new era of digital interaction. 

Interested to learn more? Click here to contact us or reach out via email at [email protected].

Headshot of Cantarus' Senior Content Marketer, Tabby

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