Action for Children

Doubling Donations Through Mobile-first Design

With the festive period approaching, equipped with the knowledge that charitable donations increase during this time, Action for Children (AfC) wanted to ensure that their donation journey was at peak performance and converting as much traffic as possible. It was clear that the weakest part of the donation journey was landing page performance, particularly on mobile devices. With over 63% of all traffic coming from mobile devices, it was vital that the donation journey was accessible and easy-to-use for users on the go.

The existing landing page didn’t offer the flexibility that AfC needed in order to improve conversion rates and display the required information to users in a visually pleasing format. AfC approached Umbraco Platinum Partner, Cantarus, to redevelop their donation landing page with a mobile-first design, with a view to increasing their conversion rates across all platforms.

713% increase in unique page views
+464% improvement on tablet
+315% improvement on mobile
thank you message displayed by the site after donation

Having inherited AfC’s existing web presence, Cantarus was tasked with redesigning the landing page and concept creation for a series of donation components throughout the journey. We collaborated on initial designs that were then converted into fully interactive prototypes.

Competing ideas on the most effective user experience, which included button-based and slider-based donation components, were compared through our design collaboration portal. We worked these initial designs into interactive concepts and tested these to get an idea of which would provide better interaction. Ultimately, we selected the concept of the buttons as this had more structure and was easier to use. It was also more fluid and simple for the user to select which donation they wanted, and more responsive on mobile.

a child running through a water fountain

The donation page was built to be manageable and customisable internally. We wanted to display the existing functionality that AfC already had in place in a more intuitive way, such as the configurable price points and options on whether to start with a monthly or single donation selected.

We added a prominent call-to-action to the donation page with an encouraging statement: “For every £1 we spend, 92p helps children and families.” The CTA also includes an optional message which prompts users to come back to the monthly donations, and information is provided for each price point when selected. All of these elements are completely configurable in the back office, making the Umbraco editing experience seamless for the AfC team.

The Results

We’re proud to say that the donation journey project has been a huge success, with results including:

  • Conversion rate uplift has more than doubled from 0.51% to 1.32%,
  • 61% increase in unique page views for monthly donations,
  • 35% increase in unique page views for single donations.

This project was about creating user-centric designs and the prototypes delivered by Cantarus were pivotal in both capturing and implementing user insights – the results of which speak for themselves. In addition, the customisation that was built into the CMS was really impressive, allowing us to continually test and improve the experience for our users.

Chris Harlow Digital Platform Manager, Action for Children

Headshot of Cantarus' Chief Delivery Officer, Brendan

Want to know more?

Our Chief Delivery Officer, Brendan Killough, would love to chat with you about your website needs.
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