Cantarus built a mobile app on the MemConnect platform as a way of providing College members with an additional value-add via an in-practice toolkit and unifying the many sources of guidance from across their digital estate.
The College provides a significant value offering to its members and creates a substantial amount of content to supplement this. Initially, it was tempting to replicate the entire suite of functionality provided by their existing website, but working closely with the MemConnect team, we were able to clarify exactly what would deliver value. We settled on the notion of an in-practice toolkit and centred all further decisions around this idea.
We unified the three key guidance solutions maintained by the College – Clinical Management Guidelines, Formulary, and general Guidance. Each is managed in a separate digital estate, but unified by MemConnect and formatted for mobile, without any additional effort by College staff. Members can access the app via the Single Sign-On feature, and don't need to register separately.
Leveraging the power of a new platform, we created the ability to bookmark content across all data sources into one, easy access favourites list. This is available on the app’s dashboard all year-round. Users can easily slice through the comprehensive guidance material to find the content they’re frequently engaging with, and maintain a handy quick reference within the app.